Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Allergy And Pimples | Aastha Ayurveda


Skin allergies and pimples are common dermatological conditions that can cause discomfort and affect one's self-esteem. While there are various treatment options available, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to address these concerns. Aastha Ayurveda in Delhi is a renowned Ayurvedic center that provides personalized treatments for skin allergies and pimples, based on ancient Ayurvedic principles and pra

Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Allergies

Skin allergies, also known as allergic dermatitis, occur when the immune system reacts to certain substances, resulting in redness, itching, rash, or swelling. Common triggers include pollen, dust mites, certain foods, insect bites, and chemicals. In Ayurveda, skin allergies are believed to be caused by an imbalance in the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and impaired digestion.

Ayurvedic Treatment Approach

Aastha Ayurveda follows a comprehensive approach to treat skin allergies, focusing on identifying and eliminating the root cause. The treatment process involves:

  1. Ayurvedic Consultation: A thorough consultation with experienced Ayurvedic doctors helps determine the individual's dosha imbalance and the underlying cause of the skin allergy. This aids in creating a personalized treatment plan.

  2. Panchakarma: Panchakarma, a detoxification process, is often recommended to remove toxins from the body and restore the dosha balance. It includes procedures like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), and Nasya (nasal administration of medicated oils).

  3. Herbal Medicines: Aastha Ayurveda prescribes specific herbal formulations to strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and purify the blood. These medicines are tailored to the individual's dosha imbalance and can include herbs like neem, turmeric, and aloe vera.

  4. Dietary Modifications: Ayurvedic doctors at Aastha Ayurveda provide dietary recommendations based on the individual's dosha imbalance. They suggest avoiding allergenic foods and incorporating anti-inflammatory ingredients into the diet.

  5. Lifestyle Changes: Certain lifestyle modifications, such as stress management techniques, regular exercise, and proper sleep, are suggested to promote overall well-being and help prevent future allergies.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Pimples

Pimples, or acne vulgaris, are a common skin condition caused by the clogging of hair follicles with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Ayurveda views pimples as an imbalance of pitta dosha, aggravated by factors like poor digestion, hormonal fluctuations, and stress.

At Aastha Ayurveda, the treatment for pimples involves:

  1. Internal Medication: Ayurvedic doctors prescribe herbal medicines to purify the blood, regulate hormone levels, and reduce inflammation. These formulations may include herbs like manjistha, triphala, and guggulu.

  2. External Applications: Aastha Ayurveda utilizes herbal pastes, oils, and powders for external application to cleanse the skin, reduce excess oiliness, and prevent bacterial growth. These topical treatments are customized based on the individual's skin type and severity of acne.

  3. Panchakarma: In some cases, Panchakarma procedures like Virechana (purgation) or Raktamokshana (bloodletting) are recommended to eliminate toxins from the body and promote skin health.

  4. Diet and Lifestyle: Aastha Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet, avoiding oily and spicy foods, and practicing stress management techniques. Regular exercise and proper sleep are also encouraged to maintain hormonal balance and healthy skin.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment

The Ayurvedic treatment approach offered by Aastha Ayurveda provides several benefits for skin allergies and pimples, including:

  • Holistic Healing: Ayurveda treats the person as a whole, addressing the root cause of the condition rather than just the symptoms.

  • Personalized Care: Each individual's treatment plan is tailored to their specific dosha imbalance, ensuring effective and targeted results.

  • Natural and Safe: Ayurvedic treatments utilize natural herbs, oils, and therapeutic procedures, minimizing the risk of side effects.

  • Long-lasting Results: By addressing the underlying imbalances, Ayurvedic treatments aim to provide long-term relief and prevent the recurrence of skin allergies and pimples.

  • Improved Overall Well-being: Ayurveda promotes overall health and well-being by restoring balance and harmony to the body and mind.


Aastha Ayurveda in Delhi offers personalized Ayurvedic treatments for skin allergies and pimples. Through a combination of herbal medicines, therapeutic procedures, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes, they aim to address the root causes of these conditions and improve overall well-being. If you're seeking a holistic approach to treat skin allergies and pimples, Aastha Ayurveda may be the right choice for you.


  1. Benefits Of Treating Migraine At Dheemahi Ayurveda Village.
    Dheemahi Ayurveda Village provides 100% result-oriented, authentic and traditional Ayurveda treatment.
    Dheemahi Ayurveda is well-equipped with the knowledge of the past five generations.
    Dheemahi Ayurveda is an authentic and traditional Ayurveda Hospital, and we have a team of expert doctors for your consultation. Our first priority is the patient's health and wellness, so we follow up with your health concerns.

    Dheemahi Ayurveda Village is situated in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere that is suitable and comfortable for patients to relax physically and mentally.
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  2. Why Choose Ayurveda for Frozen shoulder?
    Ayurveda, known for its safe and effective treatments, holds promising potential in addressing Fatty Liver Disease (FLD). Virechana, a prominent detoxification therapy, is particularly suitable for managing liver disorders, especially in cases of imbalanced doshas (Bahu Doshavastha) and obstructed channels (Srotorodha).Furthermore, Ayurveda offers a range of safe and efficacious hepatoprotective herbs to address various liver ailments. These herbs play a vital role in supporting liver function and promoting its health.
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